We are thrilled to invite you to the opening night of Mediated Process at Cullity Gallery.
Join us as we celebrate the first event for 2024 in Cullity Gallery at the UWA School of Design, for the launch of Mediated Process featuring the work of artists from Australia, Germany, Sweden, Korea and Russia. Artists include: John Carberry (Australia), Håkan Carlbrand, Gustav Hellberg, Johanna
Karlin, Peter Ojstersek, and Linda Petersson Ödbring (Sweden), Rebecca Ann Tess (Germany), Borahm Kim (Korea), Roman Korzhov and Nelya Korzhova (Russia).
This new exhibition offers insight into the ways of working shared by 10 artists across different artforms, such as film, digital art, performance, drawing, painting and printmedia, from regional and remote locations, connected by an online platform (www.intheprocessof.org), and a unique dialogical
process of making. Coinciding with the Perth Arts Festival, and accompanied by an extensive public program, Mediated Process delves deeply into process-based making from regional perspectives.
Please mark your calendar for the following special events at Cullity Gallery:
Wednesday 21 February, 4.30-6.30pm
Panel discussion with artists and curators
Wednesday 21 February, 6.30-8.30pm
Exhibition opening.
Saturday 24 February, 10am-12pm
Artist talks by Gustav Hellberg, Borahm Kim, John Carberry and Linda Petersson Ödbring, in conversation with curators Elizabeth Pedler and Sarah Douglas
Saturday 24 February, 1-3pm
Workshop with Borahm Kim, on the participatory board-game and artwork Moving a Forest
21 February - 19 March
Mediated Process exhibition open to public Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
We look forward to sharing this occasion with you.
Warmest regards,
Exhibition Curators Sarah Douglas (UWA) and Elizabeth Pedler
Cullity Gallery
UWA School of Design
Clifton St Nedlands WA 6009
On December 3, 2022, the exhibition Starting Point opens at LUX. It is a somewhat different group exhibition, with participants from various parts of the world. The artists are part of the project In the Process of… which is a longer collaboration where the artists' work processes form the foundation of the project. The exhibition at LUX is the group's first public appearance where the artists show works in progress. The works exhibited can be considered fragments of the creation of artworks, a kind of progress reports of the often long and sometimes winding processes that lead to completed artworks. It is important that the artists choose to show materials that have an integrity and quality that they allow to be displayed.
The exhibition features media-based works (video), photography, drawing, and a participatory work in the form of a board game, which visitors are invited to play. A work by the well-known German artist Joseph Beuys is also included as an important part of one of the artworks. Several of the works on display deal with nature and the environment, viewed from different positions – social, political, economic, and poetic. Documentary and biographical elements often form part of the artists' working methods. A thematic red thread can be seen in the artists' interest in seeking meaning in the seemingly insignificant.
Swedish original: Den 3 december 2022 öppnar utställningen Startpunkt på LUX. Det är en något annorlunda grupputställning, med deltagare från olika delar av världen. Konstnärerna ingår i projektet In the Process of… som är ett längre samarbete där konstnärers arbetsprocess är projektets grundval. Utställningen på LUX är gruppens första offentliga framträdande där konstnärerna visar konstverk i process. Arbetena som ställs ut kan betraktas som brottstycken av konstverks framställning, en slags delrapporter av de ofta långa och ibland slingriga processer som leder fram till färdiga konstverk. Viktigt är att konstnärerna väljer att visa material som har en integritet och kvalitet som de tillåter att visa. På utställningen visas mediabaserade verk (video), fotografi, teckning och ett participatoriskt verk i form av ett brädspel, som besökare bjuds in att spela. Ett verk av den välkända tyska konstnären Joseph Beuys ingår också som en viktig del i av ett av konstverken. Flera av verken som visas handlar om natur och miljö, som betraktas från olika positioner – socialt, politiskt, ekonomiskt och poetiskt. Dokumentära och biografiska element ingår i ofta i konstnärernas arbetsmetoder. En tematisk röd tråd kan skönjas i konstnärernas intresse för att söka mening i det skenbart obetydliga.
Albany, Australia – Pinioned, video
Skåne and Gothenburg – Från trapphus till dockhus, video
Goheung and Jakarta – On Off Shore, video
Öland and Berlin – Fåret, Tunet, Slanorna, video
Seoul – Moving Forest v2.0 : 2050 Urban Planning, installation, audience-participatory work
Samara – Stabilization, video
Samara – Flying. â„– 12, photography
Gothenburg and Berlin – Project Hacke, Interaction with Nature and coincidences, video
Östersund – A Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Hildegard of Bingen, video
Berlin – 2Dbody3Dcode, photography serie